Is EZlocal free?

Yes, EZlocal offers a free business listing on our web directory. With our free listing, your business can gain online visibility and be found by potential customers. Additionally, we provide free tools to help you manage and enhance your online presence.

For businesses looking for more advanced features and broader reach, we offer additional paid plans:

  • Pro: Includes real-time syncing of your business data to 30-40 additional business directories, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the web.
  • Premium: Offers all the benefits of the Pro Plan, plus distribution to premium business data aggregators like Transunion/Localeze and Foursquare/Factual, and additional features such as Google My Business integrations for managing reviews and posts, and AI-assisted content generation for websites, logos, and social media.
  • Full service: Let our team handle your digital presence from top to bottom. Call (877) 416-2378 or schedule a demo today.

Whether you choose our free listing or one of our comprehensive paid plans, EZlocal is dedicated to helping your business succeed online.