Listing Distribution is a continual process needed to maintain and build your web presence. As soon as you enter your business information, we push it to the three data providers. The hundreds of sites and sources that turn to these providers for information query them at various intervals — some seek out the information weekly, monthly, etc. For this reason, we sell Listing Distribution as an annual subscription, ensuring you maximum web presence.
If you are concerned about timing, we do recommend that you manually update the major listings for the Search Engines and Social Sites, as the search engines have a validation process, and sometimes it takes time to get through the creation process.

When a business decides to discontinue Listing Distribution, they are taking a big risk. This leaves their listings on the data providers open to change, which may result in hundreds of incorrect listings and citations over time. Therefore, although Listing Distribution takes time to create and update listings, it’s important to understand it as a sort of insurance policy. Without Listing Distribution, the client may experience negative outcomes.